I've been featuring different dachshund coats in my series of blog posts: thus far, I've featured longhaired dachshunds and red smooth coat dachshunds--both are beautiful. I've seen owners' personal photos of their beloved pets, and I have enjoyed seeing them A LOT. We doxie lovers LOVE to talk about our fur babies, often pulling out photos even faster than proud grandparents pull out photos of the grandchildren! When we decided to get a doxie years ago, we ALMOST picked out a cream puppy--that litter was so beautiful. But Duke, our beloved black-and-tan doxie was the one for us when we saw him. Although there is no longer a doxie in our home, we do have our feisty granddawg, Sunny--and I don't mind talking about her endlessly, either!
Today, we're featuring the relatively new English cream dachshunds, and it seems fitting to post something about their history, which I have included below:
A Cream Dachshund: The “Bond Girl” of the Dachshund Breed

English Cream Dachshund
"The English dachshund breeders played a major hand in 'creating' this type of dachshund by identifying a gene referred to as the chinchilla factor. Simply put, it’s a close cousin to the dilute gene we use to create blue or Isabella dachshunds.

"The term 'cream dachshund' really refers to two completely different gene pools. I believe that the English cream is produced using the red chinchilla gene and the dilute dachshund is created using the blue chinchilla gene. Let's just say that it took A LOT to be able to produce the amazing English cream dachshund!
American Cream Dachshund
"The American cream is an entirely different matter, with a similar appearance. I would loosely say that this color is more a lighter version of red dachshunds than it is a specific gene. You can put one of them beside an English cream and they are both the same color and have the same black body parts. Most of the smooth creams that you see have piebald in their pedigree, but not all of them."

There are, of course, other varieties of the cream coat with colors, but I chose to show mostly the cream variety today. In my research for this post, it was extremely difficult to stop adding photos of these beautiful doxies! I hope you have enjoyed viewing them as much as I have enjoyed posting them.
As always, if you have a cream doxie, please feel free to post a photo in the comments below. We'd love to share them with other doxie lovers.
Dachshunds . . . you gotta love 'em!
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