Wednesday, November 1, 2017


Image result for thanksgiving images

Now that Howl-o-wiener season is over, buckle your seat belts, doxie lovers: the rest of the year will be one long PAR-TAY! At least, in my family. In November alone, we have three birthdays to celebrate; in December, we have one birthday and two anniversaries--not to mention Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's. Lots to do, lots to be thankful for, and lots of good food to prepare AND eat.

Image result for thanksgiving images

Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday, because it focuses on family, rather than running ourselves ragged doing other things. Now don't get me wrong: I love Christmas and the celebration of Christ's birth, for without Him, Christmas would be just a hollow day for me.

All across America, families have similar Thanksgiving meals, and aside from stuffing ourselves into oblivion, folks love watching football games on TV. There's no need to go anywhere else, do anything else, or plan anything else. BE WITH YOUR FAMILY, if at all possible. Just enjoy each
other's company, and if you can, invite a lonely person to join you. I can't imagine being alone myself on Thanksgiving, and I wouldn't want anyone else to be alone, either, unless they prefer that.

Doxies love turkey, and it's good for them, but don't let them have the heavier side dishes that aren't good for them, like candied yams, dressing, cranberry sauce, and the like. Let's keep them healthy and full of things they can enjoy without getting sick! That goes for us humans as well.

Happy Thanksgiving season, doxie lovers!

Image result for images of the first thanksgiving feast
The First Thanksgiving

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