Monday, January 25, 2016


Shadow my doxie granddawg now has a new doggie brother named Bruno (a boxer), who is 19 months old.

Here are some photos of him:

Getting spoiled by Annika

Enjoying the snow

He thinks he's a lap dog!

Bruno's owner had moved into a small apartment and had to begin working full time, so with a sad heart, she looked for a family to take her beloved Bruno. Our daughter and family met Bruno and fell in love, so now he's getting lots of attention. He's also giving a lot of attention, too, as you can see him trying to be a lap dog on Holly's lap!

He's not a dachshund, but he's very sweet and loving. Shadow and Duke haven't yet warmed to him, (1) he's so much bigger than they are, and when he wants to play, they feel overwhelmed, and (2) Shadow is old and set in his ways! And Duke is used to acting like a "big dawg," but it was a rude awakening for him when he actually met a big dawg face to face!

We'll see how it goes.

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