Saturday, November 30, 2013


This pic is from Christmas last year--our doxie Duke and granddawg Shadow are really getting into opening gifts--and they don't care WHOSE gifts they open, either!

Both dawgs will "help" anyone open his/her gift, be it for Christmas, birthday, anniversary--what have you. 

They love Christmas, too.  All those nicely wrapped packages at one time in one place--why, it's heaven with a bow on top for doxies, who just love to tear into things.  I might add that Duke is a good boy who does not tear up the house or get into things he's not supposed to.  If perchance a tissue or a piece of paper happens to be residing on the floor, however, he thinks it is within his territory, so he enjoys shredding them.  I never have figured out how he can shred a tissue while leaving it in its rectangular shape . . .

During Christmas with our family, when we tell the dawgs to find their presents, they hunt through the packages on a mission.  Of course, they'll find theirs easily if they happen to be treats or some type of doggie food.  Otherwise, they'll often need a little help finding their presents, which the grandchildren delight in doing.

Merry Christmas to all!

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