Wednesday, August 28, 2019


Image may contain: dog
"Pwease don't weave me"

Do you have a hard time saying good-bye to your doxie when going to work, running an errand, or--heaven forbid--going on a trip? They just KNOW we're going somewhere. They're master observers of us humans, so they know what packing a suitcase means: that they usually can't go with you.

However, there are now hotels that allow pets, restaurants that allow pets, and even some family attractions and amusements that allow pets, so that makes it easier. Our doxie Duke never made as big a mess as the grandchildren did when they were little! I've heard horror stories of children ruining beds by having accidents in them: either the bathroom or vomit varieties! Duke never did that at home except when he was sick. He didn't tear things up, either, like chewing on bedding, furniture, or curtains. Kids try to swing on curtains, use beds as trampolines, and spill food and beverages all over the place. Our grands are older and more careful now, of course.

But my point is this: it is just as hard for us to leave our doxies at home as it is for them to watch us go. So there has to be an answer. Check out those hotels and restaurants before you go!

Dachshunds . . . you gotta love 'em!
Image may contain: dog
Who can resist this face??

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