Monday, April 1, 2019


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Have you ever been "gotten good" on April Fool's Day? When I was teaching, my students always tried their best to "get" me, but it never worked--I didn't trust them over something suspicious on any day, let along April Fool's, ha ha!  

When I was in school, you absolutely HAD to be on your toes: I'd find pop-out clowns in my locker, crazy stuff in my desk (I always looked before I sat down), or was sent on a fool's errand, being told that I was supposed to go see a teacher or even (shock) the principal! I learned after one trip, though. I remember a boy got in trouble when I was in elementary school for putting tacks in the teacher's chair! NOT a smart move--and he regretted his action and the consequences that followed. Having been retired from teaching now since 2013, I have no idea what the going prank is these days.

Have a great day, and be suspicious!

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"Why did you say you had a treat when you didn't, and
then yell APRIL FOOL?  It might be April now,
but I'm no fool. Humph!

Dachshunds . . . you gotta love 'em!

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