Friday, December 14, 2018


Dear Humans,

Here’s the dachshund breed’s Christmas list, because sometimes you’re clueless about us! Therefore, we’d better tell you what we want:
1 - a special alarm that goes off whenever the word “vet” is uttered in our homes, AND
2 - a secret trap door where we can hide during the chaos following the alarm (nobody will look for us immediately, and we’ll have our stash of treats, water, and blankies waiting!)
3 - an unlimited supply of cheese
4 - an unlimited supply of treats
5 - an unlimited supply of peanut butter
6 - squeak toys that still squeak even after we “kill” ‘em
7 - an outdoor potty place that has a roof for when it rains and a heater for when it’s cold
8 - a sign for the front door so that all who enter are already aware:
“This home is run by our doxie(s), so do everything within your power for his/her/their happiness and comfort”
9 - never come here empty handed: bring something for us to eat and/or play with
10 - heated blankies
11 - all humans to rub our bellies, ears, or backs when required, for as long as required
12 - this list is subject to additions and deletions as needed (doxies CAN change their minds, you know!)
13 - NEW ITEM - Yikes! Almost forgot that we want you to read Sarge the doxie’s books of heartwarming tales because HE understands us and has done our breed proud with his accomplishments!

*Disclaimer - this list is actually meant as a joke! We doxies really don’t want to take over the world—just love us and feed us, because we love YOU unconditionally (and more than you realize)!
Merry Christmas,
Your dachshund(s)

Image may contain: dog
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