Friday, January 13, 2017


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The meme above is exactly right! Our doxie Duke does this all the time--he'll bring me a toy to throw for him to fetch, but he doesn't want to let go of it! If I do manage to lay my hand on the toy (he keeps it about an inch beyond my reach), he wants to play tug-of-war for a while before I throw it for him. They DO have their ways . . .

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This one hits the mark as well. I believe a dachshund would crawl through broken glass to get a morsel of something good to eat. 'Nuff said.

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Doxies love their comfort, and will work until they get it just right--the dog above has perfected this art. Have you ever seen a dachshund twirl around and around until he gets his blanket just right? That's fine, but sometimes Duke is on my lap and tries to get my lap to conform to his exact specifications for comfort. Geez.

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But who can resist those faces?? In fact, doxies have so many endearing traits that we simply put up with their loud barking, stubbornness, and desire to dig up the yard or chew on something important. Loyal to a fault, loving, and sweet--they're far more than just that small, comical body. They're family.

Dachshunds . . . you gotta love 'em.

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