Friday, December 23, 2016


Christmas is almost here, and I've just finished wrapping the last of the gifts today. Perhaps I'm weird, but I enjoy buying, wrapping, and giving gifts to my friends and loved ones. I even made gift tags on the computer this year, because it is fun.

Families have different Christmas traditions, but one I miss after my mom passed away January 2013 was her Christmas morning tradition in our family when she was healthy: she always made a homemade fresh coconut cake, and that's what we ate for breakfast on Christmas morning! My
brother and I would drink a tall glass of cold milk with our cake, while Mom and Dad had steaming cups of hot coffee with theirs. Not healthy? Well, coconut is fruit, and the cake had eggs, milk, butter--so it could have been worse! Besides, it was so yummy!

I pray you have a wonderful Christmas with your loved ones. Keep in mind that the holidays can be brutal for those who have recently lost loved ones. I lost my mom in January 2013, and that Christmas 2012 was her last one with us--we knew it would be, so it was highly poignant for all of us. Yes, God will comfort those who grieve, but humanly speaking, it is a difficult time for many. Let's be extra kind to those we know who are missing husbands, brothers, sisters, parents, grandparents, or even children, unfortunately.

Merry CHRISTmas, doxie friends, and have a happy new year as well!

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