Sunday, March 13, 2016


If anyone out there has wondered where I've been this week, here's the scoop:  I've been trying to live through the cold, a.k.a. crud, since Monday!  Oh, it's been awful. I awoke Monday to a scratchy throat, and it went downhill from there.

Slight fever, sore throat, sinus headache, runny nose, watery, swollen eyes (I looked like I was crying for three solid days)!! Have been taking a decongestant, Tylenol, nasal spray, chicken soup, orange juice, and pain meds. I wanted to stay as comfortable as I possibly could, because colds really get the best of me.

After thinking about it, I haven't had a cold in about three years!  That's amazing, for me especially. When I taught in the classroom, it seemed like I was either coming down with a cold or surviving one very often. Of course, it didn't help that sick students would sneeze in my face or hack over me. No wonder I had colds so often then!

In any case, I do believe I'll live through this one and hope to have a productive coming week. My hubby AND my doxie Duke have treated me very well. Clark has cooked for me, cleaned up the kitchen afterwards, done laundry, and waited on me. Duke has stayed by my side, giving me long, imploring looks like he was saying, "Don't worry, Mama. I'm here and I'll take care of you." Then he'd give me a doggie kiss on my hand or cheek. Can't have better care than these two.

Dachshunds and hubbies . . . you gotta love 'em!

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