Tuesday, April 9, 2013


What is it with dogs and sunshine?  When I was growing up, we had a dog that would sit in the sun until he actually got blisters on his snout!  Other dogs we've had would toast themselves until I thought they'd suffer heat stroke.

Our granddawg Shadow will follow a patch of sunshine as the sun moves across the sky; Duke will sit in a chair in our sunroom when the sun is shining on that side of our house.

I did a little digging online, and here's what one dog website had to say about pets and sunshine:

"The animal body really needs two hours daily of good sunlight (without sunglasses in
order for the eyes to also absorb sunlight) in order to be emotionally and physically
balanced. Going outside into the sunshine and fresh air with your pet whether it is a bird, dog, cat or rabbit is one of the finest things you can do for your precious pet and yourself.
"Placing a pet near a window is helpful, but today’s window panes normally have a small amount of UV protection built into the glass.  Our suggestion if at all possible, take your little pal outside with you and both of you go for a nice long walk every day. Obviously this is not possible for everyone, but we still wanted to share with you our thoughts on the wonders of Mother Nature’s own remedies to a multiple of health problems."  http://www.adogsview.com/2006/07/21/benefits-from-the-sun-vitamin-d/

Duke watching the world go by
Granddawg Shadow also enjoying the sun

This time, Shadow is REALLY sunbathing!
 Does your doxie love the sunshine, too?  I'd love to hear about it--just add a comment below. 

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